This European teacher education network was formally established at two meetings in 1992 (in June in Aarhus and in September in Växjö). The participating institutions - Växjö Universitet, Aarhus Dag - og Aftenseminarium, Universität Potsdam, University College Northampton, Hogeschool Drenthe and Hogskolen i Agder - agreed on sending an application for a new network (ICP) to the ERASMUS Bureau in Brussels. The application was accepted and in April 1993 ‘ICP S 3004/05 Teacher Training’ was a formal financial reality, since it was supported within the ERASMUS programme. During the following years new members were accepted and as long as the old ERASMUS programme was going the ICP was co-financed by the European Union. Formal meetings were during this time held two times per year.
Since networks cannot be financed in the SOCRATES programme we decided to go on working as an informal network where all participating institutions have to pay for themselves -the network has no money at all (we don’t charge any membership fee or other fees). Meetings are now held once a year at one of the member institutions.
The network was named ‘Symposion’ at a meeting in Weingarten 1998. The name was proposed in order to emphasize the main characteristics of the network: The interchange of educational concepts meeting future challenges in our diverse society made possible by strong personal relationships among the members.
Nils Larsson, Växjö universitet
Bjorn Monstad, Hogskolen i Agder
1991: Meppel preparation and Växjötime
1992: Århus?
1993: Meppel
1994: Kristiansand
1995: Potsdam and Vordingborg
1996: Caen and Alta
1997: Cardiff and Weingarten
1998: Arnhem and Växjö (additional)
1999: Belfast
2000: Caceres
2001: Lublin
2002: Aarhus
2003: Weingarten
2004: Meppel
2005: Växjö
2006: Aarhus
2007: Potsdam
2008: Lublin
2009: Nijmegen
2010: Weingarten
2011: Vordingborg
2012: Kreuzlingen
2013: Orléans
2014: Kristiansand
2015: Hasselt
2016: Northampton
2017: Barcelona
2018: Linz
2019: Dublin
2021: Meppel
2022: Ostrava
2023: Orleans